Noitu Love
written and tested by: Ronny
It could be so nice in our future, our dreams and... as long as there wouldn’t be this small issue which inflicts this, our, city: in the year 2188 a evil genius attacks the civilians and the love of our live with his robotic army.Our hero Noitu Love takes his part and tries to save the city and defeat the evil forces...
Noitu Love is no pure jump´n´run although it has many jump-sessions it has final boss stages too - you also have to clean certain parts of the level (kill all enemies) to be able to continue. So some action parts are added too.
Shift-key will make our hero jump, left control-key lets us attack with our sword. Both keys together produce a salto mortale with full damagepower. Depending on difficulty each enemy needs different hits to explode (they are still robotics!). Final bosses are tough and harder than average, they are only vulnerable on certain parts and in special moments. You will need to experiment then!
The sound is encouraging jumping and attacking and also provides some variation but after some quarter hours of playing Noitu Love it gets more and more a thing you can exchange or ignore.
More isn’t needed to say - oh, nearly forgot the graphics! It’s a bit SNES/Genesis-like and if you prefer or accept pixel-looks (less colors, shadows produces by variations of pixel-distances) then you won’t be disturbed by the small resolution of 320x240. All other players will argue about it because the game is not capable of being played in fullscreen!
date: 13.09.2007 Downloads: 8319 size: 7.59 MB players: