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#1 20.06.2004 21:29

Ort: Chemnitz
Registriert: 08.11.2001
Beiträge: 11.718

Tvgigant - Dusmaniaversion Ready For Download


Since this weekend the
-->Linktitel: DUSmania (Links sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht klickbar)
-->Link: 'http://www.dusmania.de'
is history - for this year! Reasonable enough to place the DUSmania-Version for your downloadpleasure.

The same procedure as everytime: the download is reachable within the link below.

-->Linktitel: Download: TVGigant DUS Version.exe (Links sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht klickbar)
-->Link: 'http://www.tvgigant.de/easytrack.php?id=12'

The Language-Files provided in the downloadsection are still usable, same for the Database-Editor.

Have fun with this version and if you have critics or some good words... just drop a posting in our forum.

bye Ron



#2 13.09.2004 20:58


Re: Tvgigant - Dusmaniaversion Ready For Download

I'm a fan of Mad TV and decided to try this game, but honestly it is not too good.
Maybe this is beta version, I don't know, but I found some 'bugs'.
My opponents don't move-they stay on the first floor and do nothing. O'k, I thought I play some kind multiplayer(although I didn't even saw how to play in multiplayer mode), but I was wrong. Next - The films were all in German(Although I downloaded the English patch). No problem - I downloaded the editor and created my own Films(about 150), ads(42 as original) and 15 news. I started again the game and I was shocked- I bought dozens of films but my money were 193 mln(I started with 198) and this is too much. I didn found any options to start in a higher level.
Another problems:I played all the day but on the next my boss didn't tell me a word about the missing ads or something like that(as in mad tv). I have the audeience needed for the ads, but they didn't count. I started with some really big hits, but this shouldn't be like that.... :flaming:  :flaming:  :flaming:
But that were small probblems compared to the next one- I tried to save my game, clicked on one of the videotapes and...nothing :heulen: 

I hope this is only a beta version and this problems will be fixed at the end. Or maybe I've downloaded the wrong version?
The idea isn't that bad after all and although it has some bugs, I appreciate the game. Good luck and hope the 'bugs' will be fixed soon.

#3 13.09.2004 21:08

Registriert: 13.09.2004
Beiträge: 5

Re: Tvgigant - Dusmaniaversion Ready For Download

That was me, I'm new here and I found it difficult to sign up(everything is in German).
Sorry if my first post wasn't very good, but as I said the idea is very good and the game deserves to be improved...


#4 13.09.2004 21:22

Foolish Fox Furry
Ort: Sparta
Registriert: 28.02.2003
Beiträge: 2.803

Re: Tvgigant - Dusmaniaversion Ready For Download

that was just a very very very early version . It should just show you a little of the game , of course not much is really working but at the end that all will be fixed , up and im sure it will be good gw_smiley_zwinkern


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