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Bacteria 2 v2.01
The shocking elements first: Bacteria 2 was made using "GameMaker" and as a looser of the PISA-studies this game isnt something for you ;D
Not undeterred from this aspects? Gooood! For Bacteria 2 is providing puzzle-fun for young and the young at heart (regardless of female or male).
What to do? On a playground it is essential to capture some pellets with arrows in them. Clicking at such an arrow, i...
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Not undeterred from this aspects? Gooood! For Bacteria 2 is providing puzzle-fun for young and the young at heart (regardless of female or male).
What to do? On a playground it is essential to capture some pellets with arrows in them. Clicking at such an arrow, i...
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date: 25.12.2004 Downloads: 8358 size: 2.68 MB players:
Columns QCG v1.11
May be some of you still know this game from the good old SEGA-Series. You have to stack your blocks in this way, so 3 blocks of the same color are in a row - vertically, horizontally or diagonally. If this comes true, those blocks will be removed (and youll gain points for this). But this game is kind of different (in comparison with the "original"). At the beginning everything is kinda slow but time after time it becom...
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[read full article, have a look at the extended statistics]
date: 16.11.2002 Downloads: 7858 size: 4.2 MB players:
Gary's Grid v1.0
There is no English translation for this review yet. Showing german one instead...
An sich eine ganz einfache Sache - verschiedene Steine, Kugeln, Buchstaben etc müssen so geschickt entfernt werden, dass am Ende nix übrigbleibt. Klingt einfach... ist es aber nicht.
Das Spielprinzip ist zwar mittlerweile weit verbreitet, wer aber nicht so auf 3D-Grafiken steht ist hier bei Gary&rsquo...
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An sich eine ganz einfache Sache - verschiedene Steine, Kugeln, Buchstaben etc müssen so geschickt entfernt werden, dass am Ende nix übrigbleibt. Klingt einfach... ist es aber nicht.
Das Spielprinzip ist zwar mittlerweile weit verbreitet, wer aber nicht so auf 3D-Grafiken steht ist hier bei Gary&rsquo...
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date: 05.06.2000 Downloads: 10108 size: 627 KB players:
Have you ever played chess? Surely! In this game, this fact would be a plus-point.
There're no kings, queens or so - just knights. One Knight for every one of the two parties. You can choose wether your opponent is the CPU or a human one.
But you also need to know what the game is about: Every Party has only one knight, you can move your night like in chess (so: like a L - mirrored, rotated...). If you move your knight, the field...
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But you also need to know what the game is about: Every Party has only one knight, you can move your night like in chess (so: like a L - mirrored, rotated...). If you move your knight, the field...
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date: 04.12.2002 Downloads: 4660 size: 3.2 MB players:
MazLite is just a normal maze-game. The special on it is the 3D-world. Something different is also the actor in this game - no normal human being, just a huggy modeled alien.
But only the graphic is something you can enjoy. The Sound is nearly not included (only the walking-sounds of the alienfeets ;D). But if you like such kind of games, and you like to play in 3D - you may download the 11 MB file.
If the game-performance is...
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But only the graphic is something you can enjoy. The Sound is nearly not included (only the walking-sounds of the alienfeets ;D). But if you like such kind of games, and you like to play in 3D - you may download the 11 MB file.
If the game-performance is...
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date: 02.11.2002 Downloads: 6364 size: 11.01 MB players:
Rock Solid
Something for friends of mindbreaking games.
You have to try to reach the finish-door by using as less as possible moves. For doing this, you’ve to move your figure this way, that the blocks in the level will move along your moving direction (eg all blocks with a arrow up will move up if you walk upwards) so you finally can reach the door. If the blocks are contacting either the wall or other blocks, they will change
their dire...
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[read full article, have a look at the extended statistics]
date: 21.11.2002 Downloads: 5404 size: 1.55 MB players:
Super Furry Puyo Tournement 2
Imagine: zwo little gnomes are falling down from "heaven" and they’re on search for contact to their sameminded friends...so they may return
to "heaven". This is the most simplest description of this game.
You only have to try that 4 same-colored gnomes are connectes..that’s reached by turning them around so they’ve another order. If they fit together they dispappear (uhm they’re goi...
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You only have to try that 4 same-colored gnomes are connectes..that’s reached by turning them around so they’ve another order. If they fit together they dispappear (uhm they’re goi...
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date: 16.11.2002 Downloads: 5449 size: 563 KB players:
Tetris Queen v1.41
TetrisQueen is a variation of the original principle from Tetris. There is not only the normal vacating of the field, theres also the possibility to vacate the field systematically with various bombs.
The old Tetris 2 player rule is valid in the 2 player mode: The one with more lines than the opponent dismantles, which "gives" the opponent a couple of lines under the opposing blocks.
TetrisQueen doesnt offer a...
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The old Tetris 2 player rule is valid in the 2 player mode: The one with more lines than the opponent dismantles, which "gives" the opponent a couple of lines under the opposing blocks.
TetrisQueen doesnt offer a...
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date: 27.09.2002 Downloads: 14546 size: 1.6 MB players: