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games of category: Arcade (11 games)
Pacventure v1.2
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Die neue Version 1.2 des Pac-Man-Klons wurde um über 4 Mb auf ca. 5MB geschrumpft und bietet dennoch schönste 3D-Comicgrafik und nette Extraspielereien die das AlterEgo auf seinen Befreiungsversuchen der entführten Freundin meistern muß. Fröhliches Pac-en in diesem gut gelungenem Klon.
Achtung: Das ...
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date: 28.01.2001 Downloads: 5696  size: 5.27 MB  players:  
PowBall v2.05
PowBall is a DOS-game with a breakout-style. It also can be played in windows (but you may experience problems with the sound - never mind, also without sound you can enjoy the game ;D).
The aim in this game is to steer your paddle that way, so the ball couldn’t fall down the screen. By doing this you have to kick the ball against the blocks in the level. The blocks will explode and may give you a power up. If you don&rsqu...
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date: 02.11.2002 Downloads: 7205  size: 1.05 MB  players:  
Zero v1.01
Zero is another graphical improved R-Type-clone, originally released in 1999 and debugged in 2001. Although the GFX in this game are only Bitmaps, the effects are looking very good and like in the other japanese clones, you’ll feel the good old arcadefeeling.
To be not the same like other kinds of R-Type and Galagagames, you have a chain for rescue some people walking around the levels. But while you’re doing this, you may k...
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date: 28.10.2002 Downloads: 7199  size: 5.82 MB  players:  
games of category: Arcade (11 games)
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