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#1 24.06.2017 00:58


can't use LAN multiplayer.

Hi, it is me again. Just wondering if LAN multiplayer is working in this patch, and if it is, how I can get to work.

I am running windows 10, and keep getting the error EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, even though I am letting it through my firewalls.

Thank you so much for this awesome game, keep up the good work!

#2 24.06.2017 09:39

Ort: Chemnitz
Registriert: 08.11.2001
Beiträge: 11.718

Re: can't use LAN multiplayer.

No, LAN/Multiplayer is still a huge construction area. Will tackle that as soon as main game features are working properly - as there is still a lot of things getting changed between versions. If doing partial multiplayer stuff would then lead to doing work over and over again.
Basic handling of network stuff (lobby, synchronization) is already included but I am not really liking how it works now (keyword: synchronization on high-latence-internet-games).




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