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#1 30.11.2014 03:51

Registriert: 30.11.2014
Beiträge: 2

English translation/TVTowerDBEditor

Hi there, I was a fan of MadTV years ago and I just stumbled upon this remake. Nice work!

Some of the English translations could be a little more 'polished' tongue, and there's many programs that do not have English translations at all. Taking a look at the data files, in particular database.xml, I noticed that there's the comment "Export from TVTowerDBEditor".

Is there anywhere where I can get this TVTowerDBEditor, so I can add some English translations? I could just add the translations in the xml file and upload it somewhere, but I thought if there's a DB Editor, it might speed things up...?


#2 30.11.2014 12:03

Ort: Chemnitz
Registriert: 08.11.2001
Beiträge: 11.709

Re: English translation/TVTowerDBEditor

Hi and welcome.

I know that some of the translations need polishing - they are done by users whose mother tongue isn't English.

I for myself just translated the "custom" entries in ronny.xml. that file also shows how to "extend" an existing entry of the standard database "database.xml".
As the editor (https://github.com/STARSCrazy/TVTower.DBEditor) isn't production ready things might change.

For now you have to modify the databases by hand (text editor) but for just adding translations, this isnt to hefty on requirements regarding the "xml file format".

Example (name it "zz_english.xml" so it gets loaded after "ronny.xml" which contains the original entry):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<version value="3" comment="English translations" />
		<programme id="ronny-programme-kartoffeln-01">
				<en>The potato queen</en>
				<en>the English description...</en>

As the entry "Die Kartoffelkönigin" was created before, the above data just changes/overrides existing things - or in this case, creates them.

But I want to ask something: If you want to translate entries, shouldn't you be able to read German? While serious content is easier to translate we sometimes wrote things containing a bit of "humor" or "pun". So a translator needs to take care of such things.
Problematic parts are things using pun ... as this might lead to a trash movie needing a complete rewrite.

German title: "Wahre Pantoffelhelden"
English title: "Real henpecked husbands"
No problem up to now - but the movie is about a factory producing "Pantoffeln" (slippers) and someone fighting against bankruptcy. So it is pun about "Pantoffeln" and "Helden" (heroes) ... - the only way to handle it is to replace that pun with something similar then.

I do not want to frighten you ... feel free to improve our existing translations (also res/lang/lang_en.txt - for interface) and just post it wrapped in [code]-blocks - there is even a thread about custom entries, but I would then just create a new one - for English translations. So for now just post in this thread and I will moderate later if needed.

EDIT: I already moved that thread to the "Own data"-subforum of the game.




#3 08.12.2014 13:38

Registriert: 30.11.2014
Beiträge: 2

Re: English translation/TVTowerDBEditor

Thanks for the response Ronny.

But I want to ask something: If you want to translate entries, shouldn't you be able to read German? While serious content is easier to translate we sometimes wrote things containing a bit of "humor" or "pun". So a translator needs to take care of such things.
Problematic parts are things using pun ... as this might lead to a trash movie needing a complete rewrite.

You are quite right in that there will probably be some in-jokes and puns that I will not understand by simply translating.
Having played MadTV back in the day, I do get the angle and the style of humour that the game takes on Programme titles, indeed, that is much of the charm of the game. smile

I'll have a go at it and you can see what you think.

I will also have a look at the res/lang file and see what I might be able to help out with.


#4 08.12.2014 15:36

Ort: Chemnitz
Registriert: 08.11.2001
Beiträge: 11.709

Re: English translation/TVTowerDBEditor

If you encounter problems with some phrases ... feel free to ask and we try to help out as much as possible.

First of all the "res/lang/"-part will be a big help because people stumble over "artificial" English very fast.




#5 14.08.2015 17:47

Registriert: 07.06.2013
Beiträge: 4.276

Re: English translation/TVTowerDBEditor

For a better back finding. Was posted in the bug-thread.

XtrmPrgrmmr schrieb:


Ich verstehe Ihre Posts... Aber nicht Alles... smile But will not try to write... (I hope to post something in German)

As I said before, I want to prepare some more fake news. According to your Message, I looked up to database.xml and find news tag.

However, just copy&paste is not enough to expand the news list? (For example; Because of the IDs or other parameters?) Do you have any advice?

Many thanks...

Ronny schrieb:

To extend news:

- copy "user/ronny.xml" to "user/xtrmprgrmmr.xml"
- open "user/xtrmprgrmmr.xml" in the editor of your choice

keep the first part:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<version value="3" comment="Ronnys Programme" />

(adjust "Ronnys Programme" to eg. "XtrmPrgrmmr data")

and keep the last part


If you want to start with an empty XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<version value="3" comment="Ronnys Programme" />






to write a custom news: append such a block to "allnews"

		<!-- news type:
				initial news = 0
				initial news by game event = 1
				following news (follow up) = 2

				News vom Typ 1 und 2 werden nicht per "Zufall" ausgeloest
		<news id="username-news-customnewstitle" type="0" creator="yourforumid" created_by="yourname">
				<de>German News headline</de>
				<en>English News headline</en>
				<langShortcut>other language News headline</langShortcut>
				<de>German text</de>
				<en>English text</en>
				<langShortcut>other language's text</langShortcut>
			<!-- optional -->
				<effect type="triggernews" parameter1="id-of-the-news-it-triggers" />
			<!-- genre can be found in source/game.gameconstants.bmx "TVTNewsGenre" -->
			<!-- price and quality are in "percents" -->
			<data genre="0" price="10" quality="28" />

To pave you the way: you might invent news and write:
- the English / Turkish headline + news text
- an estimation of "expensiveness and quality" (high, low, ...)
- the genre of the news (sports, movies, ...)
- if it is a news chain, write something like "episode 1" ,"episode "

I will then convert it to an XML file for you (which is then surely easier for you to extend)



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