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#1 20.11.2006 15:13

Ort: Chemnitz
Registriert: 08.11.2001
Beiträge: 11.718

actual state at the TVG-frontline

Sorry, mainly german news providing I just forgot to write some exciting news for non-german-readers.

What's new? What's expected to come? What's about a demo?

At the moment players are able to (also able to do when playing a networkgame): set, change, remove programmes in the programmeplanner. To set adblocks whose contracts can be taken from the ad-agency. Buying movies in the movie-agency. (up to now not when playing networkgames) Setting the subscriptionlevels of news-genres and so placing the upcoming news in the newsstudio. Using the elevator and its roomboard. Changing the roomsigns of the roomboard when visiting the roomboard itself (0th floor). Looking at some fancy financial statistics. Buying new station-antennas for extending the audience-reach. Each programme which has been sent had a calculated audience and afterwards the topicality of the programme is decreased, so the next  time the audience will be less then before.

When selling movies (taken from the archive) works in network and solomode and news are also synchronized over the network.. A demo may come for you to download - up to now only with german programme/contract and news-data. The Interfacelanguage (roomnames, tooltipps...) could be translated for having external language files.

The Databasecontent will have to be changed manually (placed in an xml-file) or you will have to wait for a multilingual onlineditor which is now in the process of being created...

bye Ron



#2 22.11.2006 01:20

Registriert: 22.11.2006
Beiträge: 1

Re: actual state at the TVG-frontline

Thanks for updating the non-german speaking page! gw_smiley_zwinkern
I keep following this project for quite some time now... I DID see the German news, and so I realized the project was still alive. However, I couldn't understand a single word, hehe!
I really enjoyed playing the original MadTV game, and it seems TVGigant will be much better, not only in graphics, but also in options and playability! I look forward to playing this game!
By the way, english is not my native language. It's Spanish. So, if you are ever going to do some translation stuff, count me in for helping out!
Great job man!


#3 02.05.2014 19:45

Registriert: 02.05.2014
Beiträge: 1

Re: actual state at the TVG-frontline

I've just found this project and first of all i just want to thank you for remaking this masterpiece:)
Since i don't speak german at all, i just want to ask here some questions about the game.
Do you plan to translate the full game, not just the menus? For example movie descroptions, ads etc...
In the Office why is the options menu inactive?
Under Win 8.1 if you want to play in fullscreen you have to run the program in win7 comapatibility mode.
Is there any english manual for the game? I accidentaly found that i can slow down the time with the arrow keys, i looked for it in the office but its not there.:)


#4 03.05.2014 08:23

Ort: Chemnitz
Registriert: 08.11.2001
Beiträge: 11.718

Re: actual state at the TVG-frontline

There is no "options menu" available yet.

Currently we only translated most of the "interface" parts. But as soon as STARSCrazy finished his import script, you will be able to use whatever language TheMovieDB provides. We then just provide some "fake titles" (no real actor names, titles ...) which the tool is then capable to replace on the users command.

Windows 8.1:
Hmm that is odd but I do not have access to a Windows 8 machine now to test this. I think it is a problem of BlitzMax, the language the game is developed in.


InGame speed:
Cursor Up/Down : InGame speed +/-
5 : InGame speed 120 gameMinutes/s
6 : InGame speed 240 gameMinutes/s
7 : InGame speed 360 gameMinutes/s
8 : InGame speed 480 gameMinutes/s
9 : InGame speed 1 gameMinute/s (standard)

M: Music/Sfx on/off
Shift+M: Sfx on/off
CTRL+M: Music on/off

W: Ad agency 
A: Archive
B: Betty
F: Movie agency
O: Office
C: Boss/Chief
N: News agency
R: Roomboard

Hint: For Loading start a game in advance!
L: Load Savegame
S: Save Savegame

Q: Ratings-Debugscreen on/off
D: Debug-Info on/off
1-4 : Change player (observer)
F1-F4 : If AI-player, reload AI-Script

F5: create a new news event
F6: play music
F9: AI on/off 
F10: all figures (except player) de-/activate

Feel free to ask further questions and/or give ideas/suggestions/critics.




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