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I have been looking for a good TV scheduling game for several months and yesterday I discovered TV Tower. I enjoyed playing it.
I also discovered BlitzMax for the first time and have been reading about it.
The most impressive thing is that the game appears to be largely the work of one person (Ronny) and it is written in a framework (BlitzMax-NG) that is largely the work of one person (Brucey) and in a language (BlitzMax) that was largely the work of one person (Mark Sibly). I realize other people contributed as well, but I think it was mostly one person each time, and they worked for decades each time. It shows that one person can achieve a lot with persistence and hard work.
Ronny, I am especially impressed that you have done the coding and the art work. They are very different skills.
To Ronny and everyone else who has contributed: thank you very much! Danke schön!
I wish you all the best with your future efforts.
I did some more digging in the code and discovered that you wrote Dig too. Even more impressive!
Cool Beans ... and btw Brucey is from UK too - Mark Sibly from New Zealand and I ... from Germany.
We are very blessed to live in the first time when ordinary people from around the world can easily co-operate in common projects. The article about TV-Tower in SyntaxBomb Magazine proves that you have made great use of that opportunity.
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