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Wow, thank you very much Ronny, i'll wait for new versions. By the way, I could help you in the project if you want to. I can program under SDL and XML (and some other languages as i have an I.T. degree). I don't have much free time (i've had a son recently) but I'd be happy to contribute.
Is there a expected release date for the new version? Thx
Good morning from Seville, Spain. This is my first post. I'm a great fan of the original MadTV (in fact, i'm currently playing it under DosBox). I've seen this awesome remake and i have a few questions. I can't speak german so i'll try to explain myself in english.
1) Is there a final version of the game? I don't care about multiplayer option, i'd be happy just playing a single player game. I tried playing the DUSMania version but it seems you're incredibly rich when you start playing and so there's no point in keep on playing once you've seen the game is worth playing it .
2) Before i realized that matter, i started translating the movie database into Spanish. Currently i have translated 33% of it, but i wonder if it's ok to finish it since there are no updates in this game. If I knew this project is still active and i will have a beta playable version at least, i'd finish translating the database.
Can anyone answer me? Thx
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