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Themen-Übersicht (Neuester Beitrag zuerst)

24.03.2023 07:33

For any readers that may show up here, the updates are now in the official release. All content in the game has been translated to English. Feedback still welcomed.

14.01.2023 09:41

Please check what happend. I saw and commented the tickets and the pull request, but then all your data disappeared. Your account seems to have been deleted and none of the above links work...

14.01.2023 06:02

Among other things I have added all missing English translations in my PR which is here:


For those who want to test, you can download and replace every file from


(also in the 'user' directory below)

Some minor improvements and fixes have also been applied to the files in the 'lang' folder that must be replaced from here:


That means that with these patches, an English version of the game is in a ~complete, 'presentable' state (minus some minor issues that I'll raise in the next days).

Feedback welcomed.