Du bist nicht angemeldet.
Great. Thank you for your translation.
New devpatch
Here are changes done to the language file:
Tooltip "Newsplaner" now correctly localizes the string "ROOM_NEWSPLANNER"
[localisation] Fixed missing localization for "newsplanner" and "nighttime", Report: ejatoba
Betty / Studio
-> please use the lang_en.txt in the DevPatch, they got introduced there
Special bin
Maybe you find an good English translation too.
Thanks a lot ... even for introducing yourself so detailled.
Will check the missing translations when I have a bit more time.
Sports news with soccer/hockey results will start on day 7/8 with the new leagues seasons.
You need to subscribe to the sports genre in the newsroom.
Special bin:
The licences there are cheap or old or b-movies.
Like a box containing reduced products ("Sale out").
Maybe this helps a bit.
I could try if I could decrease fobtsize so it would fit.
Hi Ronny! Thanks for the DevPatch! I'll try it later for sure!
For now, I've finished (at least, almost finhesed) the lang_pt-br.txt and I'm sending it to you right now.
Also, I got some feedback of the strings when testing the translation:
- I found that the string for the night time programmee (NIGHTTIME) wasn't working and the translation wasn't showing. So, I changed the string to NIGHTPROGRAMME and found that with this it works perfectly;
-The string for the Newsplanner translation of the News Studio is missing. I found that the possible correspondent string for it in the localization file is written ROOM_NEWSPLANNER and the in-game text for it shows as "Newsplaner" (look that there is a typo in the in-game text: a missing "n"). I tried change the string to ROOM_NEWSPLANER, NEWSPLANNER and NEWSPLANER but any of these have worked...;
-The string of the dialogue of the studio manager and Betty is also missing;
Now, some doubts that I got when translating:
- It may sound "dumb" but I don't get the concept of the "Special bin" thing... Is it a shelf with only selected titles (like the most recent releases?). The translation of "bin" for portuguese is caixa (box - this is the most common translation) or compartimento (compartment). Having a shelf named "Special box" (Caixa especial) sound a little strange, so I translated it to sometihing like "Special compartment" (Compartimento especial), to sound more a compartment of a shelf. However, the text became too long and ends up don't showing the last word. The workaround for this now was to translate it only to "Special" (plural - Especiais). Does it make sense or I'm missing something??
- The next one is that I came across the strings about sports like this, for example: SPORT_SOCCER_TEAMREPORT_MATCHWIN_S1. In the older versions that I played, I don't have this "event" triggered when playing, so I'm lost about the sense of the phrase to translate it (sometimes this happens when translating from English... The translation becomes clear when the whole phrase is analyzed). The point is: there is anyway to trigger these events to happen, so I can read then in the whole in-game phrase??
Thanks for the patience until here!! But this translation thing got me excited.
Well, about my programming skills... They are only notions of the programming logic that I learned when I got a job of web designer in a small Catholic diocese here from my city. I worked a little with Joomla, Wordpress etc. and learned some php, html, css logics by my own to have my job done. Also, I attended oone year in a Computer Sciences college, picking the introdutory logics for programming, the concept of algorithm, learned a little of Pascal (lol) language... For my best description, I can say that I'm a explorer and that I learn things by myself with relative easy because of this baggage of knowledge, and also because I really like computing, programming etc...
I've left that college course and attended Philosophy, from which I have a Bachelor degree, also I'm post graduated in Neurolearning and I'm finishing a Bachelor degree in Psychology. Actually I work as public employee (judicial clerk) of the Sao Paulo State Courthouse (here in Brazil the best paying - because the others pay too low - jobs are public sector - working for the State -, that to get in there is a rigid selection with exams of Portuguese, Law, Computer Notions, Maths, etc).
By the way, I'll be absent in this weekend, but get in touch when you need!
Thanks for reading and until later.
This post contains a new DevPatch - just copy the content over the existing v0.3.6 and it should be "up to date".
While buddy Brucey (native English-speaker) already had a quick look at the lang_en.txt it wouldn't be the worst to get someone else checking it. So while translating you might find "odd phrases" - feel free to ask for the real intention of a sentence, and then correct any mistake.
Biggest help is - of course - to play the game and to report issues you found. Also ideas formed in your mind are things we like to see here in the forums - and to discuss them until we make something useful/implementable out of it.
You mention not to have programming skills in the language we use (BlitzMax/Basic). The AI is done with LUA, maybe you are interested in tinkering with it.
Would you mind to tell about your skills (aside to translating things and playing games ;-)) ?
I would like it yes! Please, give me a touch when the DevPatch is released.
The lang_pt-br.txt is almost done. I just need to translate some line and do some in-game testing to see if the translations make sense.
After this, I get in touch! Also, if you need help in anything than translating to pt-br, I would like to help. Unfortunately, I don't have programming skills in the game developing language, but I'm here for anything.
Also, although English isn't my native language, I could help in some translating if needed.
Thanks and bye!
Yes I will release that in the next version.
If you want I could drop a line in this thread, when releasing the next DevPatch (if that happens earlier). DevPatches are like "nightly build"-patches for the latest full-release-package. They might be a bit rough but contain new features to test for the "brave" ;-)
Thank you for the quick reply!
I'm grateful that I could help in something!
Also, I'll work in translating the current English localization to create a lang_pt-br.txt and when I finish I'll send it to you asap.
Oh, and yes! I read here in the some posts of the forumhow to put the BR flag in the language-selection-dropdown! Thank you!
About the locale-set cache bug fix, it will be released in the next version?
Ok, found the bug.
When loading programmes the game checks if it already were defined. If so, it prints a message to the log - containing the title of the "extended programmelicence".
This leads to processing (replacing dynamic data) and caching of the title (in the default language).
The language is then set _afterwards_. When requesting the title in the game, it uses the already cached text.
This explains why it works for description (not used/cached during loading) and not for the title.
Will fix it now (on locale-set it should get rid of potentially existing caches).
Bugfix will of course name you ("ejatoba") as bug reporter.
If you send me a translation of the current English localization file:
either via mail to ron()gamezworld.de
or via github (in an issue or as pull request from your own fork)
then I will also include it in the official release. You know you could add your flag to the "to load"-assets so it properly displays it in the language-selection-dropdown?
For me it translates correctly in my test programme - but not in the game, so I know where to look now.
But while checking it I found a small bug in the database loader - it did a "licenceType" reset (so it autocorrects during loading). But that bug did not affect someone, so not a biggy ;-)
PS: to check if your licence was adjusted enter this into the game chat (press enter to activate):
/dev givelicence 1 54084557
That odd number is the part of the guid which should already be "unique enough" to identify the licence/programme.
Then click "f" for the moviedealer - the licence should now be located in your suitcase.
in game
Will check that...and report asap.
Thanks for the spent time and the interest in helping the project by translating things.
First of all, congratulations for this great remake of MadTV. It`s great to see this game again and in a version well refined.
For now, I`m translating what I can to Brazilian Portuguese. I`ve created a lang_pt-br.txt and I`m translating it.
Also, I`m trying to translate some movies on the database, but I`ve found that when I create a user xml file named zz_localization_br.xml and try to translate the movies using their id, only the description is override.
For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<version value="3" />
<programme id="54084557-4497-48d5-8e3a-6a6c987ebb26">
<pt-br>11 Burros</pt-br>
<pt-br>Translated text here</pt-br>
In the example above, only the description of the program id is override. The title is displayed as is in the <de> tag in the database_programmes.xml. But, if I add a <pt-br> tag in the title of this xml file (the database_programmes) it show the translated title.
I`ve tried the same thing to translate the titles to English and it gives me the same problem...
What I`m doing wrong.
Thanks in advance