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Themen-Übersicht (Neuester Beitrag zuerst)

02.12.2005 18:07

Just to let everyone know that I have changed web hosting and the new address is

-->Linktitel: Tv Empire (Links sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht klickbar)
-->Link: 'http://simyoulator-games.atspace.com/'

01.12.2005 23:35

Has anyone had any problems in getting this to work on windows?

I've had very little feedback, but two people on another message board have been unable to get it to work.

30.11.2005 23:51

You could try running it under mono, I'm not sure if it will run as I haven't tried it yet, but do plan to later.

30.11.2005 22:51

Ah, I can't run it on my linux boxes, since it uses MSs .Net, too bad.
I'll give it a try when I've access on a native WinXP system (weekends).

With WinXP under VMWare I got the following error:
The app failed to initialize properly (0xC0000135) - terminate...

That's the missing .NET, isn't it?

Gruss, Kurt.

30.11.2005 18:10

Just a quick update:

Version 0.20 is now available for download.

IT is a very early version so please don't expect too much from it. I'm just releasing it so people can get a early look at the game and hopefully give me some feedback and suggestions.

While it is playable, there is a lot of the planned features missing and it only has a limited number of programs/movies and adverts included (although it would be easy for anyone to add more). Also the way the viewing figures are worked out is very basic at the moment. That it what I'm working on now...to improve the way they are worked out.

-->Linktitel: Tv Empire (Links sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht klickbar)
-->Link: 'http://lator-games.batcave.net'

Also please visit the forum/message board and give me your feedback and suggestions.

28.11.2005 22:30

As it seems like this game is no longer being worked on (unless I'm mistaken as my german is not very good), I thought some of you might be interested in a new game that I'm working on.

In some ways it is similar to this and Madtv, but at the moment doesn't really have any graphics or animation in. (but I do plan to add some later).

Currently it is at a very early stage of development (I expect to release a early Alpha version later this week). So what I'm looking for is feedback and ideas.

Unfortantly, as I said my german is not very good so unless someone wants to volunteer to translate it. It will not be available in german.

IF anyone wants to have a look at it, I have a temporary website at:

-->Linktitel: Tv Empire (Links sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht klickbar)
-->Link: 'http://lator-games.batcave.net/'

and forum at:

-->Linktitel: Tv Empire Forum (Links sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht klickbar)
-->Link: 'http://latorgames.proboards78.com/index.cgi'