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Brick Carnage 3D v0.90
written and tested by: Ronny
Many games claim itself to be "BreakOut in 3D". Brick Carnage 3D takes it at the word. The stones you have to shoot away are constructed in the form of houses or castles - in real 3D, built up also on each other. The stones therefore slip down after the ball was destroying the undermost one.
The whole would be already a beautiful game but thanks to the good graphic putting into action it makes still more fun. You can see reflections of the ball or the stone blocks on the ground or the ball is shot by the edge with a fiery tail ;D.
The whole then doesn’t look only fantastic, it plays itself also liquidly and lets rise a good feeling like arcadegaming. By Esc button you can call the menu. Then you can adjust graphic details and other things in this menu.

date: 24.09.2002 Downloads: 7838  size: 2.2 MB  players:  

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